Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

قَاع bedeutet auf Englisch

قَاع m

bottomlowest part

قَاعَة f

halllarge meeting room

salonlarge room

قَاعَة طَعَام f

food courtcommon area for dining

قَاعَة ٱلْمُطَالَعَة f

reading roomspace set aside for reading

قَاعِدَة f

alkalinehaving a pH greater than 7

basechemical compound that will neutralize an acid

basegeometry: lowest side or face


basepermanent structure for housing military

basesomething from which other things extend

basisunderlying condition

foundationthat upon which anything is founded


قَاعِدَة بَيَانَات f

databasecollection of information

databasesoftware program

قَاعِدَة جَوِّيَّة f

air basemilitary airport

قَاعِدَة عَامَّة

rule of thumbgeneral guideline rather than a strict rule

آلَة إِيقَاعِيَّة

percussionmusic: section of percussion instruments

إِيقَاع m

rhythmvariation of strong and weak elements of sounds over time

اَلْقَاعِدَة f

al-QaedaThe global network of militant Islamic extremists.


retireto stop working on permanent basis


retirementact of retiring, or the state of being retired

فُقَاع m

pemphigusautoimmune skin disease

مُتَقَاعِد m

pensionersomeone who lives on a pension

retireesomeone who has retired from active working

مُدِير قَاعِدَة الْبَيَانَات m

database administratorperson

مُعَدَّل الْأَيْض الْقَاعِدِيّ m

basal metabolic rateamount of energy expended while at rest