Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

عِلْم bedeutet auf Englisch

عِلْم m

knowledgeawareness, state of having been informed

knowledgefact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information

sciencecollective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method

sciencefact of knowing something

scienceparticular discipline or branch of learning

عِلْم أَوْبِئَة m

epidemiologybranch of medicine dealing with transmission and control of disease in populations

عِلْم الأَعْصَاب

neurosciencescientific study of the nervous system

عِلْم الإِنْسََان التَطْبِيقِيّ

ethnographybranch of anthropology

عِلْم الاِقْتِصَاد m


عِلْم التَّصْنِيف m

taxonomyscience of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms

عِلْم الدَّمْ

haematologyscientific study of blood and blood-producing organs

عِلْم الرَمْل

geomancytype of divination

عِلْم الزِرَاعَة m

agronomyscience of utilizing plants, animals, and soils for food, fuel, feed and more

عِلْم السُّمُوم m

toxicologyscientific study of poisons and poisoning

عِلْم الشَيَاطِين

demonologystudy of demons

عِلْم الصِّحَّة m

hygienescience of health

عِلْم الكَوْن الفِيزِيَائِيّ m

cosmologystudy of the physical universe

عِلْم الكِتَابَات القَدِيمَة

paleographystudy of old forms of writing

عِلْم اللَّهْجَات m

dialectologystudy of dialects

عِلْم اللُّغَة m

linguisticsscientific study of language

عِلْم المِيَاهِيَّات

hydrologyscience related to water

عِلْم النَّفْس m

psychologystudy of the human mind

psychologythe study of human or animal behavior

عِلْم الْأَخْلَاق m

ethicsstudy of principles governing right and wrong conduct

عِلْم الْإِمْلَاء m

orthographycorrect spelling according to established usage

عِلْم الْجَبْر m

algebrastudy of algebraic structures

algebrasystem for computation

عِلْم الْجَمَال m

aestheticsstudy or philosophy of beauty

عِلْم الْحَاسُوب m

computer sciencestudy of computers and their architecture

عِلْم الْخَرَائِط m

cartographycreation of charts and maps

عِلْم الْعِقَاب

penologystudy of punishment and prevention of crime

عِلْم الْفَلَك m

astronomystudy of the physical universe beyond the Earth's atmosphere

عِلْم الْكَمْبْيُوتَر m

computer sciencestudy of computers and their architecture

عِلْم الْمُجْتَمَع m

sociologystudy of society, human social interactions, etc.

عِلْم اَلزَّلَازِل m

seismologythe study of the vibration of the Earth's interior

عِلْم اَلصَّيْدَلَة m

pharmacologyscience that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals

عِلْم اَلطَّقْس m


عِلْم اَلطَّيَرَان m

aeronauticsmechanics and science of aircraft

عِلْم اَلنَّبَات m

botanyscientific study of plants

عِلْم اَلْأَحْيَاء m

biologystudy of living matter