Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

عَدَم bedeutet auf Englisch

عَدَم m

nonexistenceThe state of not existing

عَدَم اِكْتِرَاث

apathylack of emotion or motivation

عَدَم تَنَاسُق m

asymmetrylack of symmetry or proportion

عَدَم مُسَاوَاة m

inequalityunfair, not equal, state

عَدَم وُجُود m

lackdeficiency, need

عَدَم وُجُود قَوَانِين m

lawlessnesslack of law and order

عَدَمُ ٱلتَّدَخُّلِ m

hands offnot interfering with others' decisions and actions


nihilismdoctrine grounded on the negation of one or more meaningful aspects of life

عَدَمِيَّة f

nihilismview that all endeavours are devoid of objective meaning

عَدَمِيَّة m

nihilismrejection of, or opposition to, religious beliefs, moral principles, legal rules, etc.

فِي حَال عَدَم حُدُوث

failingif not possible