Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

عَدَد bedeutet auf Englisch

عَدَد m

issuea single edition of a periodical publication

numberabstract entity used to describe quantity

numbermathematics: number


numeralnon-word symbol that represents a number

numeralword or symbol representing a number|noun numeral

versea small section of the Bible

عَدَد أَوَّلِيّ m

prime numbernatural number

عَدَد الْوَحْش m

Number of the Beastthe number 666

عَدَد ذَرِّيّ m

atomic numbernumber of protons

عَدَد زَوْجِيّ m

even numberpositive integer that can be divided by two

عَدَد سَالِب m

negative numbernegative number

عَدَد صَحِيح m

integera number that is not a fraction

عَدَد طَبِيعِيّ m

natural number(only) positive integer

عَدَد عَقَدِيّّ m

complex numbernumber of the form ''a + bi''

عَدَد غَيْر أَوَّلِيّ m

composite numbernumber that is the product of two natural numbers other than itself and 1

عَدَد فَرْدِيّ m

odd number

عَدَد كُتْلِيّ m

mass numbernumber of protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus

عَدَد مُرَكِّب m

complex numbernumber of the form ''a + bi''

عَدَد مُوجَب m

positive numberpositive number


numericalof or pertaining to numbers