Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

عَامَ bedeutet auf Englisch


floatto be supported by a liquid

عَامَّة f

publicmembers of the community or the people in general

عَامَّة اَلنَّاس p

general publicmembers of the public who have no special role

إِجَازَة عَامَّة f

public holidaynational or regional holiday from work on a specific day

الصِّحَّة العَامَّة

public healthscience

الْقِيَادَة الْعَامَّة f

headquartersmilitary installation

دِعَامَة f

backboneany fundamental support, structure, or infrastructure

propobject placed against or under another, to support it

سِيَاسَة عَامَّة عِلْمِيَّة

scientocracymembers of an elite community of scientists

عَلَاقَات عَامَّة f-p

public relationsprofession

عَمُود ، دِعَامَة ، قائِمُ دَعمٍ فُولاذيّ

stanchionvertical pole, post or support

قَاعِدَة عَامَّة

rule of thumbgeneral guideline rather than a strict rule

مُعَامَلَة f

transactiondeal or business agreement

transactionfinance: transfer of funds into, out of, or from an account

مُوَاصَلَات عَامَّة f-p

public transportform of transport

نَعَامَة f

ostrichlarge flightless bird