Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

شِي bedeutet auf Englisch



موتْشِي m

mochirice cake made from glutinous rice

مَابُوتْشِي m

MapucheMapuche tribe

مَاسُوشِيَّة f

masochismthe enjoyment of receiving pain or humiliation

مَاسُوشِيّ m

masochistsomeone who [[enjoy|enjoys]] pain or humiliation

مَاشِيَة f-p


مَانْشِيت m

headlineheading or title of an article

headlineheading or title of an article

مَايْبَاشِي m

Maebashia city of Japan

مَرْقَشِيتَا f


مَشِيمَة f

placentaanatomy: placenta

مَنْتْشِيغُو f

Manchegoa firm, compact cheese from La Mancha

مُسَافِر شِيك m

traveller's chequepreprinted cheque for a fixed amount

مُشِير m

field marshalhighest military rank after the commander in chief

مُشْكِطْرَامَشِير m

dittanydittany of Crete

مُعَادَاة الْفَاشِيَّة f

anti-fascismthe opposition to fascist ideologies

مِيشِيغَان f

Michiganstate of the United States

مِيشِيل m

Michaelmale given name

نَاخِيتْشِيفَان m

Nakhichevanautonomous republic of Azerbaijan

نَالْتْشِيك m

Nalchikcity in Russia

نَجَاشِيّ m

negusking of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

نَشِيد m

anthemnational anthem

نَشِيد الْأُمَمِيَّة m

Internationaleproletarian song

نَشِيد وَطَنِيّ

anthemnational anthem

نَشِيد وَطَنِيّ m

national anthemnational song of a country


activehaving the quality or power of acting

activequick in physical movement

energeticpossessing, exerting, or displaying energy


Nietzscheanpertaining to Nietzsche or his writings

نْيُوهَامْشِير f

New HampshireUS state

هَاشِي m

chopsticksingle eating utensil


Hampshirecounty in the south of England

هُو تْشِي مِنْه m

Ho Chi Minh Citylargest city of Vietnam

هِيرُوشِيمَا f

Hiroshimaa city in Honshu, Japan

وَحْشِيَّة f

crueltyindifference to suffering


paganimmoral, uncivilized, savage

وَشِيع m

hedgethicket of bushes planted in a row

وَشِيعَة f

coilcoil of electrically conductive wire through which electricity can flow|inductor

coilsomething wound

وَشِيك m

imminentabout to happen, occur, or take place very soon