Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

شَقِيق bedeutet auf Englisch

شَقِيق m

siblingperson who shares same parents

شَقِيق زَوْج m

brother-in-lawbrother of one's husband

شَقِيق زَوْجَة m

brother-in-lawbrother of one's husband

شَقِيقَة f

migraineheadache usually affecting only one side of the head

siblingperson who shares same parents

شَقِيقَة النُّعْمَان f

anemoneany plant of genus ''Anemone''

شَقِيقَة نُعْمَانِ اَلْبَحْرِ f

sea anemonepolyp