Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

شَرْط bedeutet auf Englisch

شَرْط m

conditionlogical clause or phrase

termlimitation, restriction or regulation

شَرْط ضَرُورِيّ m

necessary conditionlogical statement

شَرْط كَافٍ m

sufficient conditionlogical statement

شَرْط لَازِم m

sine qua nonprerequisite

شَرْطَ أَنّ

if and only ifimplies and is implied by

شَرْطَة f

dashtypographic symbol

hyphensymbol used to join words or to indicate a word has been split


conditionalin logic

جُمْلَة شَرْطِيَّة f

conditional sentencegrammar: type of sentence

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