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ثَانِي أُكْسِيد الْكَرْبُون m

carbon dioxideCO₂

ثَاوُدُسِيُوس m

Theodosiusmale given name

جَاسُوسِيَّة f

espionageact of learning secret information through clandestine means

جَزِيرَة أَسِنْسِيُون f

Ascension Islandan island in the South Atlantic

جَمْع تَكْسِير m

broken pluralin Arabic and other languages, irregular plural formed by changing the pattern of consonants and vowels

جَنُوب آسِيَا m

South Asiaall the countries of the Indian subcontinent (principally India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan) and the Indian Ocean (principally Sri Lanka, Maldives)

جَنُوب شَرْق آسِيَا m

Southeast Asiaa subregion of Asia

جُمْهُورِيَّة إِنْدُونِيسِيَا f

Republic of Indonesiaofficial name of Indonesia

جُمْهُورِيَّة رُوسِيَا اَلِاتِّحَادِيَّة اَلِاشْتِرَاكِيَّة اَلسُّوفْيِتِيَّة f

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republicofficial name for modern day Russia before the collapse of the Soviet Union

جِنْسِيَّة f

nationalitymembership of a nation or state

nationalitynational character or identity

sexualityconcern with or interest in sexual activity

sexualitythat which is characterized or distinguished by sex


erotictending to arouse sexual desire

sexualof or relating to having sex

sexyhaving sexual appeal

جِهَاز تَنَفُّسِيّ

respiratoryrelating to respiration

جِيسِيكَا f

Jessicaa female given name

جْيَامُوسِي m

Jiamusia city of China

حَاجِبَة اَلْأَشِعَّة اَلشَّمْسِيَّة

sunscreencream that protects the skin from the sun

حَجَر كِلْسِيّ m

limestoneabundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments

حَرْف شَمْسِيّ m

sun lettersun letter

حَرْق شَمْسِيّ m

sunburnburn on skin

حَسَّاسِيَّة f

allergydisorder of the immune system


حَفْلَة مُوسِيقِيَّة f

concerta musical entertainment in which several voices or instruments take part

proma formal ball

حَلَقَة دِرَاسِيَّة f

courselearning program

حَلَقَة دِرَاسِيَّة مُكَثِّفَة f

crash coursequick, intense course


zealousfull of zeal; ardent

حَمَّام شَمْسِيّ m

sunbathperiod of tanning

حُرُوف شَمْسِيَّة m-p

sun lettersun letter

حِرْمَان كَنَسِيّ m

excommunicationact of excommunicating, disfellowshipping or ejecting

حِزْب سِيَاسِيّ m

political partypolitical organization

حِلْفُ شَمَالِ الأَطْلَسِيّ m

NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization


meanintending to cause harm, successfully or otherwise

خَلِيج اَلْمَكْسِيك m

Gulf of Mexicogulf between USA and Mexico

خَمْسِين m

khamsina hot wind in Egypt

خَمْسِينِيَّة f

sultryvery hot and dry

خَمْسِينِيّ m

sultryvery hot and dry