Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

زِي bedeutet auf Englisch

مُتَوَازِي أَضْلَاع

parallelogramconvex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length

مُزِيل اَلرَّائِحَة m

deodorantodor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm

مُزِيل اَلْعَرَق m

deodorantodor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm

مُزِيلُ رَجَفَان m


مِفْتَاح إِنْجْلِيزِيّ m

monkey wrenchadjustable wrench

spannerhand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts

مِنْضَدَة زِينَة f

dressing tablelow table equipped with mirror for dressing and makeup


metaphysicalof or pertaining to metaphysics

مِيتَافِيزِيقِيّ m

supernaturalabove nature

مِيكْرُونِزِيَا f

Micronesiageographical region


مِيلَانِيزِيَا f

Melanesiapart of Oceania

مِيَّاه غَازِيَّة f

carbonated waterwater containing carbon dioxide

نَازِيَّة f

fascistproponent of fascism

Nazimember of the Nazi party

Nazismthe ideology of Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party

نَازِيَّة جَدِيدَة f

neo-Nazismthe ideology held by neo-Nazis

نَازِيُّون جُدُد m-p

neo-Naziperson who believes in a Nazi ideology


fascistof or relating to fascism

Nazipertaining to the Nazi Party or Nazism

نَازِيّ m

fascistproponent of fascism

Nazimember of the Nazi party

نَازِيّ جَدِيد m

neo-Naziperson who believes in a Nazi ideology

نَزِيف m

bleedingthe flow or loss of blood from a damaged blood vessel

hemorrhagerelease of blood; bleeding


fairjust, equitable

نَزِيه m

honestscrupulous with regard to telling the truth

نُوفَايَا زِيمْلْيَا f

Novaya Zemlyaarchipelago in Russia

نِيُوزِيلَانْدَا f

New Zealandid=Q664|country in Oceania

نِيُوزِيلَانْدَة f

New Zealandid=Q664|country in Oceania

نِيُوزِيلَنْدَا f

New Zealandid=Q664|country in Oceania

نِيُوزِيلَنْدَة f

New Zealandid=Q664|country in Oceania

نْيُو جِيرْزِي m

New Jerseya northeast state of the United States of America

نْيُوزِيلَنْدِيَّة f

New Zealandera person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent


New Zealandattributive form - relating to New Zealand

نْيُوزِيلَنْدِيّ m

New Zealandera person from New Zealand or of New Zealand descent

هَانْزِي m

Chinese characterCJKV character

Chinese characterCJKV character

هَزِيمَة f

defeatthe act of being defeated, of losing

وحدَة المعالجَة المَرْكَزِيَّة f

central processing unitpart of a computer