Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

زِي bedeutet auf Englisch

خَزِين m

stockstore of goods for sale

خَزِينَة f

treasuryplace where state or royal money and valuables are stored

treasuryplace where treasure is stored safely

خَنْزِير بَرِيّ m

wild boar''Sus scrofa''

خَنْزِير بَرِّيّ m

warthoga species of wild pig

خِنْزِير m

boarmale pig

hoganimal of the family Suidae

pigmammal of genus ''Sus''

خِنْزِير الْبَحْر m


خِنْزِير الْمَاء m

capybara''Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris''

خِنْزِير اَلْأَرْض m


خِنْزِير غِينِيَّا m

guinea pigrodent

خِنْزِيرَة f

sowfemale pig


porcineof or pertaining to the pig

دَازِيبَاو m

dazibaobig-character poster

دُرْزِيَّة f

Druzeindividual Druze

دُرْزِيّ m

Druzeindividual Druze

دُولَار نْيُوزِيلَنْدِيّ m

New Zealand dollarofficial currency of New Zealand

دْزِيتَا f

zeename of the letter Z, z


stoicnot affected by pain or distress

stoicnot displaying any external signs of being affected by pain

رَمْزِيَّة f

symbolismrepresentation of a concept


figurativemetaphorical; not literal

metaphoricalpertaining to a metaphor

زَرِيبَةُ خَنَازِير f

pigstyenclosure where pigs are kept



سَان هُوزِيه m

San Josea city in California, USA

سَمَكَة زِينة f



Swazilandid=Q1050|Kingdom of Swaziland|Eswatini

سِمْبُوزِيُوم m

symposiuma conference or other meeting for discussion of a topic, especially one in which the participants make presentations

سِيزِيف m


شُكْرًا جَزِيلًا

many thanksmany thanks

شِبْه الْجَزِيرَة اَلْقُطْبِيّة اَلْجَنُوبِيَّة f

Antarctic Peninsulathe northernmost part of the mainland of Antarctica

شِبْه الْجَزِيرَةِ الْكُورِيَّة f

Korean Peninsulaid=Q483134|peninsula

شِبْه اَلْجَزِيرَة اَلْعَرَبِيَّة f

Arabian Peninsulapeninsula in the Middle East

شِبْه جَزِيرَة f

peninsulapiece of land projecting into water

شِبْه جَزِيرَة البَلْقَان f

Balkan Peninsulapeninsula in southeastern Europe|Balkans

شِبْه جَزِيرَة اَلْقِرِم f

Crimean peninsulapeninsula|Crimea

شِبْه جَزِيرَة كُولَا m

Kola Peninsulapeninsula in Russia

شِبْهُ الجَزِيرَة الإيبِيرِيَا f

Iberian Peninsulapeninsula