Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

رَم bedeutet auf Englisch

رَم m

rumdistilled spirit

رَمَاد m

ashsolid remains of a fire


grayof a color somewhere between white and black, as the [[ash]] of an [[ember]]

رَمَاص m

masticthe tree's resin

رَمَث m

raftflat, floating structure

رَمَد m


ophthalmitissevere conjunctivitis


blinkto close and reopen both eyes quickly


sleepsubstance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep

رَمَص m

rheumeye discharge|sleep

رَمَضَان m

Ramadanholy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar


castto throw forcefully

throwto cause an object to move rapidly through the air

رَمَى بِالعُمْلَةِ

toss a cointo flick a coin for making a decision

رَمَى بِالنُقُودِ

toss a cointo flick a coin for making a decision


spearmansoldier with spear


flingto throw with violence or quick movement; to hurl

رَمْث m

saxaulany plant of the Haloxylon genus

رَمْز m

charactersymbol or letter

codecryptographic system

emblemrepresentative symbol

suitcard games: set of cards distinguished by color and emblems

symbolcharacter or glyph

symbolobject meant to represent another

tokenpiece of stamped metal used as a currency

رَمْز QR

QR code2-D barcode

رَمْز إِسْتِجَابَة سَرِيعَة m

QR code2-D barcode

رَمْز بَرِيدِيّ m

postcodesequence of letters and numbers added to a postal address

رَمْز رَدّ سَرِيع m

QR code2-D barcode

رَمْز صِينِيّ

Chinese characterCJKV character

رَمْز مُرَبَّع m

QR code2-D barcode

رَمْزِيَّة f

symbolismrepresentation of a concept


figurativemetaphorical; not literal

metaphoricalpertaining to a metaphor


Ramessesname of pharaohs

رَمْشَة f

blinkclosing both eyes and opening them again

eyeblinkact of blinking one's eyelids one time


geomancytype of divination

رَمْيَة f

shotlaunching of a ball or similar object toward a goal

رَمْيَة حُرَّة f

free throwbasketball