Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

رَاحَ bedeutet auf Englisch


goto move through space (especially from one place to another)

رَاحَة f

comfortcontentment, ease

free timetime when one is not working

leisuretime free

palminner, concave part of hand

reliefremoval of stress or discomfort

restrelief afforded by sleeping; sleep

رَاحَة الأَسَد f

lion's leaf''Leontice leontopetalum''

رَاحَة الْحُلْقُوم

Turkish delightconfection


restintransitive: take repose


rest arearest area along a road

اِسْتِرَاحَة f

breakrest or pause, usually from work

coffee breaka rest period during the business day providing the opportunity to drink coffee


restrelief afforded by sleeping; sleep

tea breaka short break or rest period during the day when a cup of tea or coffee is drunk

جِرَاحَة f

operationsurgical procedure

surgerymedical specialty

surgeryprocedure involving major incisions

جِرَاحَةْ تَجْمِيل f

plastic surgerysurgery involving the transfer of tissue


explicitlyin an explicit manner

مِنْطَقَة رَاحَة f

comfort zonecircumstances in which a person feels relaxed

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