Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

دُود bedeutet auf Englisch

دُود p


دُودَة f


دُودَة أَلْفِيَّة f

millipedeelongated arthropod

دُودَة الْأَرْض f

earthwormworm (''animal'')

دُودَة الْفَرَاشَة f

caterpillarlarva of a butterfly

دُودَة اَلْقَزّ f


دُودَة بَيْضَاء f

cockchaferbeetle of genus Melolontha

دُودُو m

dodo''Raphus cucullatus''

دُودُومَا f

Dodomacapital of Tanzania

أَشْدُود f

Ashdoda city and seaport in Israel, on the Mediterranean Sea

أُخْدُود m

canyona valley cut in rock by a river


flutearchitecture: vertical groove in a pillar

gorgedeep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides

trenchlong, narrow ditch or hole

اِسْتِئْصَال الزَائِدَة الدُودِيَّة m

appendectomysurgical procedure

ثَقْب دُودِيّ m

wormholea shortcut between distant parts of space

حَشِيشَة الدُود f

tansyplant of the genus ''Tanacetum''

حُدُود m-p

borderthe outer edge of something

frontierpart of a country that fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region

حُدُود n-p

borderthe line or frontier area separating various territories

حُدُود خَارِجِيَّة

profileoutermost shape

زَائِدَة دُودِيَّة f

vermiform appendixblind tube projecting from the caecum

شَرِكَة ذَات مَسْؤُولِيَّة مَحْدُودَة f

limited liability companytype of company

طَرِيق مَسْدُود m

dead endposition that offers no hope of progress

dead endstreet or path that goes nowhere

stalemateblocked situation without personal loss


limitedwith certain limits placed upon it

مَحْدُودِيَّة f


مَرْدُودِيَّة f

profitabilityThe quality or state of being profitable


countablegrammar: freely used with numbers and the definite article

مَمَرّ دُودِيّ m

wormholea shortcut between distant parts of space


lovingexpressing a large amount of love