Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

دَوْلَة bedeutet auf Englisch

دَوْلَة f

nationsovereign state

statea State, a sovereign polity, the government of a country or city-state

دَوْلَة إِرِتْرِيَا f

State of Eritreaid=Q986|official name of Eritrea

دَوْلَة إِسْرَائِيل f

State of Israelid=Q801|country (official name)

دَوْلَة اَلْكُوَيْت f

State of Kuwaitid=Q817|country (official name)

دَوْلَة بُولِيسِيَّة f

police statenation whose government controls people by police

دَوْلَة بُولِيڤْيَا مُتَعَدِّدَة الْقَوْمِيَّات

Plurinational State of Boliviaid=Q881|official name of Bolivia

دَوْلَة بِدَاخِلِ دَوْلَة f

deep statelarge group of people believed to have long-lasting political influence

دَوْلَة شُرْطِيَّة f

police statenation whose government controls people by police

دَوْلَة عَمِيقَة f

deep statelarge group of people believed to have long-lasting political influence

دَوْلَة قَوْمِيَّة f


دَوْلَة مُتَجَذِّرَة f

deep statelarge group of people believed to have long-lasting political influence

دَوْلَة مُتَقَدِّمَة f

developed countrycountry with an advanced economy

دَوْلَة نَامِيَّة f

developing countrycountry with an emerging economy

دَوْلَة وَحْدَوِيَّة f

unitary statestate that is governed as a single unit

دَوْلَةُ لِيبْيَا f

State of Libyaid=Q801|country (official name)

رَئِيس دَوْلَة m

head of statethe chief public representative of a nation

رَجُل دَوْلَة m

statesmanman who is a leader in national or international affairs

سِرّ دَوْلَة m

state secretrestricted information of national importance