Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

خَام bedeutet auf Englisch

خَام m


خَام اَلْحَدِيد m

iron oreore containing iron

خَامَة f

orerock that contains materials that can be economically extracted and processed

خَامِس m

fifthOrdinal form of the number 5|5th

خَامِسَة f

fifthOrdinal form of the number 5|5th

خَامِل m

couch potatoperson

inertin chemistry, not readily reacting with other elements or compounds


KhameneiPersian surname

الطَّابُورُ الخَامِس m

fifth columna group of people which clandestinely undermines a larger group, such as a nation, to which it is expected to be loyal

اَلسَّاعَة اَلْخَامِسَة f

five o'clockthe start of the sixth hour

حَاخَام m

rabbiJewish scholar or teacher

رُخَام m

marblecrystalline limestone

سُخَام m

smokefallsoot fallout from a cloud of smoke

sootfine black or dull brown particles

spamunsolicited bulk electronic messages


enormousnessgreat size

غَازٌ خَامِل m

noble gaselement of group 18 of the periodic table

فَخَامَة f

nobilitythe quality of being noble

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