Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

حَاسُوب bedeutet auf Englisch

حَاسُوب m

computerprogrammable electronic device

حَاسُوب لَوْحِيّ m

tablet computera type of computer

حَاسُوب مَحْمُول

notebooknotebook computer

حَاسُوب مَحْمُول m

laptopcomputing: a laptop computer

حَاسُوبِيَّات p

computer sciencestudy of computers and their architecture

شَبَكَة حَاسُوبِيَّة

gridcomputing: a system or structure of distributed computers working mostly on a peer-to-peer basis

عِلْم الْحَاسُوب m

computer sciencestudy of computers and their architecture

لِسَانِيَّات حَاسُوبِيَّة

computational linguisticsinterdisciplinary field dealing with the statistical and/or rule-based modeling of natural language from a computational perspective