Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

جِي bedeutet auf Englisch

جِينِي f

Jennyfemale given name

جِينْت m

Ghentcapital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium

Ghentcapital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium

جِينْز m

denimtextile with diagonal pattern

jeansdenim trousers

جِينْسِنْغ m

ginsengany of several plants, of the genus ''Panax''

ginsengroot of such a plant, or the extract

جِينْغْجُو m

Zhengzhoucity in central China


Janefeminine form of John

جِيُودِيسْيَا f

geodesyscientific discipline

جِيُولُوجِيَا f

geologythe study of the earth

جِيُولُوجِيّ m

geologistperson whose occupation specializes in geology

آلَة تَسْجِيل نَقْد f

cash registermachine

أَدِيجِي m

Adigeriver in South Tyrol

أَرَجِيَّة f

allergydisorder of the immune system


أَرْخَانْجِيلْسْك m

Arkhangelskcity in Russia

أُحْجِيَة f

jigsaw puzzletype of puzzle

أُحْجِيَّة f

puzzleanything difficult to understand or make sense of

puzzlegame for one person


riddleverbal puzzle

أُكْسِجِين m

oxygenid=Q629|chemical element


onigiriJapanese rice ball

إنْتَاجِيَّة f

productivitystate of being productive


biblicalof or relating to the Bible

إِبِسْتِمُولُوجِيَّا f

epistemologybranch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge


strategicof or pertaining to strategy

إِسْتْرَاتِيجِيَّة f

strategyplan of action

strategyscience and art of military command

strategytechniques in politics or business


Frankishof or pertaining to the Franks

إِفْرَنْجِيّ m

Frankone of the Franks

إِل جِي بِي تِي

LGBTlesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transsexual

إِنْجِيل m

good newsthe message of Jesus concerning the salvation of the faithful

gospelfirst section of New Testament

إِنْجِيل مَتَّى

Matthewgospel of Matthew

إِنْجِيل مَتَّى m

Matthewgospel of Matthew

إِنْجِيل يُوحَنَّا m

Johnfourth gospel

إِنْجِيلِيّ m

evangelistwriter of a gospel