Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

جَاز bedeutet auf Englisch

جَاز m

jazzmusical art form


pay backto repay

إِجَازَة f

holidayperiod of one or more days taken off work for leisure and often travel

leaveabsence from work


vacationholiday, period of leisure time

إِجَازَة سَيَاقَة f

driver's licensedocumenting permitting a person to drive

إِجَازَة عَامَّة f

public holidaynational or regional holiday from work on a specific day

إِجَازَة مَرَضِيَّة

sick leavea type of leave from work

إِجَازَة مُرُور f

passportofficial document for foreign travel

إِنْجَاز m

achievementa reward in video games

achievementact of achieving or performing

achievementgreat or heroic deed

العَرَبِيَّة الحِجَازِيِّة f

Hijazi Arabicthe language

اللَّهْجَة الحِجَازِيِّة f

Hijazi Arabicthe language

اَلْحِجَاز f


اِسْتِفْهَام مَجَازِيّ m

rhetorical questionquestion posed for dramatic or persuasive effect


metaphoricallyin a metaphoric manner


figurativemetaphorical; not literal

metaphoricalpertaining to a metaphor


fairadequate, reasonable, decent

مُجَازَاة f

punishmentact of punishing

مُجَازَفَة f

adventuremercantile or speculative enterprise of hazard

adventurethat which happens without design

riskpossible, usually negative, outcome

نَاجَازَاكِي m

NagasakiJapanese port