Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

ثَوْر bedeutet auf Englisch

ثَوْر m

bulluncastrated adult male bovine

oxany bovine animal used as a beast of burden

steercastrated male of cattle

ثَوْر بْرُونْزِيّ m

brazen bullancient torture device consisting of a hollow brass bull where victims were imprisoned and burned to death

ثَوْرَة f

mutinyorganized rebellion

rebellionarmed resistance

revolutionpolitical upheaval

revolutionremoval and replacement of a government

uprisinga popular revolt

ثَوْرَة ثَقَافِيَّة f

Cultural Revolutionany Cultural Revolution

ثَوْرِيَّة f

revolutionarya revolutionist; a person who revolts


revolutionaryof or pertaining to a revolution in government

ثَوْرِيّ m

revolutionarya revolutionist; a person who revolts