Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

ثَار bedeutet auf Englisch


eruptto violently eject

fumeto express or feel great anger

آثَار m-p

archaeologyscientific study of past remains

أَثَارَة f


إِثَارَة f

provocationact of provoking

thrillera suspenseful, sensational genre of fiction

إِيثَار m

altruismpolicy that benefits others' interests

selflessnessquality or state of being selfless


selflesshaving, exhibiting or motivated by no concern for oneself; unselfish

بِيَانُ القِيثَارِي m

harpsichordmusical instrument


chatterboxone who chats or talks to excess

chattychatting a lot or fond of chatting

talkativetending to talk or speak freely or often

خُثَار تَاجِيّ m

coronary thrombosisthrombosis of a coronary artery

خُثَارَة f

curdpart of milk that coagulates

طَيْثَار m

craneflyfly of the suborder Tipulomorpha

عَازِف قِيثَارَة m

guitaristperson playing or performing on the guitar

عَالِم آثَار m

archaeologistsomeone who studies or practises archaeology

عِلْمُ الآثَار m

archaeologyscientific study of past remains

عِلْمُ الْآثَارِ الْقَدِيمَة m

archaeologyscientific study of past remains

قِيثَارَة f

guitarmusical instrument

harpmusical instrument

مُسْتَثَارْ جِنْسِيًّا

aroused1=sexually aroused|2=horny

نِثَار p

confettismall pieces of colored paper generally thrown about at festive occasions