Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

بِي bedeutet auf Englisch

بِي m

beename of the letter B, b

peename of the letter P, p

piletter of Greek alphabet

بِي إِم دَابُلْيُو m

BMWcolloquial names and pronunciations, apart from the romanised "BMW"

بِي إِم دَبُلْيُو m

BMWcolloquial names and pronunciations, apart from the romanised "BMW"

بِي بِي سِي m

BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation

بِيئَة f

environmentarea around something

environmentnatural world or ecosystem

بِيئَة اِفْتِرَاضِيَّة f

virtualizationact of virtualizing


ecologicalrelating to ecology

environmentalpertaining to the environment

بِيبَة f

tobacco pipesmoking tool

بِيبْسِي m

Pepsithe brand of drink

بِيتَا f

betaletter of the Greek alphabet

betaletter of the Greek alphabet

بِيتَابَايْت m

petabyte1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes

بِيتَر m

Petermale given name

بِيتِيلْز p

Beatlesrock music quartet

بِيتْرُوزَافُودْسْك m

Petrozavodskcity in Russia


PetrogradSaint Petersburg|Saint Petersburg

بِيتْرُوفِيشْ m

PetrovichRussian patronymic

بِيتْزَا f

pizzabaked Italian dish

بِيتْلْز p

Beatlesrock music quartet


BeethovenGerman surname



beigehaving a slightly yellowish gray colour

بِيج بِن m

Big Benthe hour bell in London

بِيج مَاك m

Big Macburger

بِيجُو m

PeugeotFrench manufacturer of cars

بِيجِر m



بِيرَانَا f

piranhaSouth American fish

بِيرَة f

beeralcoholic drink made of malt

بِيرُقْرَاطِيَّة f

bureaucracysystem of administration

بِيرُو f

Peruid=Q419|country in South America

بِيرُوبِيجَان m

Birobidzhancity in Russia

بِيرُوقْرَاطِيّ m

bureaucratan official in a bureaucracy

بِيرِنْغ m

Bering Straitstrait between Russia and Alaska

بِيرِيسْتْرُويْكَا f

perestroikareform in the Soviet Union in 1980s

بِيرِيلْيُوم m

berylliumid=Q569|chemical element