Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

بَحْر bedeutet auf Englisch

أُذُن اَلْبَحْر f

abaloneedible univalve mollusc

البَحْر الشامِي m

Levantine Seaeastern side of the Mediterranean Sea

البَحْرُ الأَبْيَضُ الْمُتَوَسِّط m

Mediterranean Seasea between Europe and Africa

البَحْرُ الأَحْمَر m

Red Seasea between Africa and Arabia

البَحْرُ المُتَوَسِّط m

Mediterranean Seasea between Europe and Africa

الْبَحْر الْأَسْوَد m

Black Seaan inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor

الْبَحْر الْأَصْفَر m

Yellow SeaAsian sea

الْبَحْر الْتِيرَانِيّ m

Tyrrhenian SeaPart of the Mediterranean Sea

الْبَحْر الْكَارِيبِيّ m

Caribbean Seaa tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere

الْبَحْر الْكِلْتِيّ m

Celtic Seasea

الْبَحْر الْمَيِّت m

Dead Sealake in the Middle East

الْبَحْرَيْن f

Bahrainid=Q398|country in the Middle East

اَلْبَحْر الأَيِرْلَنْدِيّ m

Irish Seaa sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland

اَلْبَحْر اَلْأَبْيَض m

White Seaa sea to the northwest of Russia

اَلْبَحْر اَلْأَدْرِيَاتِيّ m

Adriatic Seasea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice

اَلْبَحْر اَلْأَيْوُنِيّ m

Ionian SeaEuropean sea

اَلْوَجْهُ ٱلْبَحْرِيُّ m

Lower EgyptNorthern Egypt

اِبْنَة الْبَحْر f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail

بَلَحُ الْبَحْر m

musselany small edible bivalve shellfish|clam|oyster|mollusc

ثَغْر بَحْرِيّ m

inletbody of water let into a coast

حُورِيَّة الْبَحْر f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail

خَرُوف البَحْر

manateeany of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae

خُصْيْة الْبَحْر f

castoreum[[castor sac]] [[exudate]]

خِنْزِير الْبَحْر m


دُوَار اَلْبَحْر m

motion sicknessnausea or dizziness in a moving vehicle

seasicknessa feeling of nausea caused by the motion of a ship

رِحْلَة بَحْرِيَّة f

cruisesea voyage

زَبَد البَحْر m

foamsubstance composed of a large collection of bubbles or their solidified remains

شَقِيقَة نُعْمَانِ اَلْبَحْرِ f

sea anemonepolyp

صَدَفَة بَحْرِيَّة f


طَعَام الْبَحْر m

seafoodfish, shellfish, seaweed and other edible aquatic life

عَرُوسَة الْبَحْر f

mermaidmythological woman with a fish’s tail

عُشْب بَحْرِيّ m

seaweedmarine plants and algae

فَرَس بَحْر m

sea horsefish

قُنْفُذ البَحْر m

sea urchinany of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea

قِنْدِيل الْبَحْر m

jellyfishaquatic animal

كَلْب البَحْر m

sea lionmember of the Otariidae family

مَأْكُولَات بَحْرِيَّة m-p

seafoodfish, shellfish, seaweed and other edible aquatic life

مَمْلَكَة اَلْبَحْرَيْن

Kingdom of Bahrainid=Q398|official name of Bahrain

مُشَاة البَحْرِيَّة

marine corpsmilitary organization of marines who are trained and equipped to fight on or from ships


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