Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

بَان bedeutet auf Englisch

فُوتُون يَابَانِيّ m

futonthin mattress placed on a floor or on a raised, foldable frame

فِيرْبَانْكْس m



Qatabaniana native or inhabitant of Qataban

Qatabanianof or pertaining to Qataban’s culture


Qatabanianthe extinct OSA languages of the Qatabanians

قُرْبَان m

corbanan offering to God, especially in fulfilment of a vow|sacrifice

Eid al-AdhaIslamic festival

offeringoblation or presentation made as a religious act

offeringthat which has been offered; a sacrifice

sacrificehuman being or an animal, or a physical object or immaterial thing, offered to a deity

كُشْتُبَان m

thimblecup-shaped cap worn on the tip of a finger, used in sewing to push the needle through material

لَابَان m

Labanbrother of Rebekah

لُبَان m

chewing gumflavoured preparation for chewing

frankincensefrankincense, olibanum

لُبَان جَاوِيّ m

benzoinresinous substance from tree

لُغَة اَلْإِشَارَة اَلْإِسْبَانِيَّة f

Spanish Sign Languagelanguage that uses hands, facial expressions, and other bodily behavior to communicate

مَرْصَبَان m

marzipanconfection of almond paste, sugar and egg white

مَمْلَكَة إِسْبَانِيَا f

Kingdom of Spainid=Q29|official name of Spain

مْبَابَانِي f

Mbabanecapital of Eswatini

وَرَاءَ الْقُضْبَان

behind barsin jail or prison

يَابَانُوفِيلِيَا f

Japanophiliastrong interest in Japan


JapaneseJapanese language

يَابَانِيَّة f

Japaneseperson of Japan


Japaneseof or relating to Japan

يَابَانِيّ m

JapaneseJapanese language

Japaneseperson of Japan


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