Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

بَاغِيت bedeutet auf Englisch

بَاغِيت m

baguettea variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape


spaghettitype of pasta made in the shape of long thin strings

سْبَاغِيتِي وَسْتَرْن m

spaghetti westernmotion picture set in the American Old West, but produced by an Italian-based company

غَرْبِيّ سْبَاغِيتِي m

spaghetti westernmotion picture set in the American Old West, but produced by an Italian-based company

فِلْم سْبَاغِيتِي m

spaghetti westernmotion picture set in the American Old West, but produced by an Italian-based company