Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

اِسْم bedeutet auf Englisch

اِسْم m

given namename chosen for a child by its parents

nameword or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing

noungrammatical category (narrow sense)

titlename of a book, etc

اِسْم الدَّلَع m

nicknamefamiliar, invented given name

اِسْم الذَّات

noungrammatical category (narrow sense)

اِسْم الْعَائِلَة m

surnamename that indicates family

اِسْم بَتُولَة m

maiden namemarried person's original last name

اِسْم تَفْضِيل m

elativeelative degree of an adjective

اِسْم جَمْع m

plurale tantuma noun without a singular form

اِسْم عِلْمِيّ m

scientific nameformal name

اِسْم فَاعِل m

active participleactive participle

participleverb form

اِسْم فَتَاةٍ قَبْلَ زَوَّاج m

maiden namemarried person's original last name

اِسْم مَعْنًى

abstract nounnoun that denotes an abstract concept

اِسْم مَفْعُول m

participleverb form

passive participlepassive participle

اِسْم مُسْتَخْدِم m

usernamea person's identification on an individual computer system

اِسْم مُسْتَعَار m

pseudonymfictitious name (more literally, a false name)

اِسْمُ ذَاتٍ m

concrete nounnoun that denotes a tangible thing

اِسْمُ ٱلْمَكَانِ

noun of placenoun meaning “place of x” corresponding to a given verb or other part of speech

مَا اِسْمَهُ m

what's-his-nameA person or entity whose name one does not remember

يَوْم اِسْم m

name dayfeast day of a saint