Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

إِلَى bedeutet auf Englisch


downfrom one end to another

toin the direction of, and arriving at

untoup to

إِلَى أَنّ


إِلَى أَنْ

untilup to the time that

إِلَى أَيْنَ

whereto what place

whitherto which place|where

إِلَى الأَبَد

once and for allconclusively, finally, permanently

إِلَى اللِّقَاء

byeshort for goodbye|goodbye


إِلَى اللِّقَاء قَرِيبًا

see you soongoodbye

إِلَى الْأَبَد

foreverfor all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time

إِلَى الْأَمَام

onwardIn a forward direction

إِلَى اَلشِّمَال

lefttowards the left side

إِلَى اَللِّقَاء


إِلَى اَلْخَلْف


إِلَى اَلْيَسَار

lefttowards the left side

إِلَى اَلْيَمِين

righttowards the right side

إِلَى لَا مَكَان

nowhereto no place

إِلَى هُنَاك

thitherto that place

إِلَى هُنَاكَ

thereto or into that place; thither

أَضِف إِلَى ذٰلِك

moreoverin addition to what has been said

اَلرِّسَالَة إِلَى أَهْلِ أَفَسُسَ

Ephesiansbook of the Bible

اِسْتَبْضِعَ التَّمْرَ إِلَى هَجَر

carry coals to Newcastledo something unneeded or redundant

اِسْتِنَادًا إِلَى

by virtue ofbecause of

بَنِي مَائِلُ إِلَى الحُمْرَةِ


gingerperson with reddish-brown hair

بِالنَّظَر إِلَى

in view ofconsidering

بِالنِّسْبَة إِلَى

in relation toconcerning; in reference to

بِالْإِضَافَة إِلَى

as well asin addition to

plusin addition to

تَرْجَمَ إِلَى اَلْيَابَانِيَّة

nipponizeto translate into Japanese

جَاءَ إِلَى السُلْطَة

come to powerto be installed in high office

جَنْبًا إِلَى جَنْب

side by sideliterally

دَعَا إِلَى

call forto request, demand

لَا يُحْتَاجُ إِثْبَاتَة إِلَى تَجْرِبَة

a priorilogic: based on hypothesis rather than experiment

مُتَعَدٍّ إِلَى مَفْعُولَينَ

ditransitivehaving both a direct and indirect object|ditransitive verb

مِنَ الأَلِف إِلَى اليَاء

from A to Zcompletely

مِنَ الْمَهْدِ إِلَى اللَّحْدِ

from the cradle to the grave

نِسْبَة إِلَى الرِّيف

countryof, from or pertaining to the countryside ''(adjective)''