Arabisch-Englisch Wörterbuch »

أَلَم bedeutet auf Englisch

أَلَم m

achedull pain

agonyextreme pain

painache or bodily suffering

أَلَم الأُذُنِ

earachepain in the ear

أَلَم الأُذْنِ

earachepain in the ear

أَلَم فِي الْمُؤَخَّرَة

pain in the asssomething that causes discomfort

أَلَمٌ m

painsuffering or anguish, especially mental

أَلَمْ اَلْقَطَنْ

lumbagobackache of the lumbar region

أَلَمْ قَطَنِيّ

lumbagobackache of the lumbar region

تَلَذُّذ بِٱلْأَلَم m

algolagniaPhysical condition

ضِدَّ الأَلَم m

painkillera drug that numbs the pain in the body