Angličtina-Taliančina slovník »

portuguese znamená v Taliančina

Portuguese (of or relating to the region of Portugal)
[UK: ˌpɔː.tʃʊ.ˈɡiːz]
[US: ˈpɔːr.tʃə.ˌɡiz]

portogheseadjectiveHe is Portuguese. = È portoghese.

Portuguese (the language)
proper noun
[UK: ˌpɔː.tʃʊ.ˈɡiːz]
[US: ˈpɔːr.tʃə.ˌɡiz]

portogheseproper nounHe is Portuguese. = È portoghese.

Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis)
[UK: ˌpɔː.tʃʊ.ˈɡiːz mæn əv wɔː(r)]
[US: ˈpɔːr.tʃə.ˌɡiz ˈmæn əv ˈwɔːr]

caravella portoghesenoun

Portuguese Republic (official name of Portugal)
proper noun

Repubblica portogheseproper noun

Portuguese Water Dog noun

cane d'acqua portoghesenoun