Angličtina-Polsčina slovník »

to go znamená v Polsčina

to go adjective
served in a takeout container

na wynosadjective

Togo noun
Togolese Republic


Togolese noun
A person from Togo or of Togolese descent



Togolese adjective
Of, from, or pertaining to Togo or its people


Togolese Republic noun
official name of Togo

Republika Togijskanoun

from your lips to God's ears

z twoich ust prosto do ucha Boga

good to go adjective
ready for some specific task (person)


good to go adjective
ready for use (thing)


honest to God


I want to go to the toilet I want to go to the toilet

muszę korzystać z łazienki

it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God proverb

łatwiej jest wielbłądowi przejść przez ucho igielne, niż bogatemu wejść do królestwa niebieskiego

take the trouble to go


way to go interjection
expression of congrats, encouragement or approval

tak trzymaćinterjection

would you like to go out with me suggestion to date someone

umówisz się ze mną?

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