Angličtina-Polsčina slovník »

one's znamená v Polsčina

look one's age verb

wyglądać na swój wiekverb

look over one's shoulder verb
check obsessively out of fear


lose one's cool verb
to lose one's temper

wściec sięverb

wściekać sięverb

lose one's head verb
behave irrationally or lose self-control

stracić głowęverb

tracić głowęverb

lose one's life verb
to die

tracić życieverb

utracić życieverb

lose one's mind verb
to become insane


postradać rozumverb

postradać zmysłyverb

stracić rozumverb

tracić rozumverb

lose one's temper

tracić panowanie nad sobą

lose one's virginity verb
to stop being a virgin after the first sexual intercourse

stracić dziewictwoverb

tracić dziewictwoverb

lose one's way


lump in one's throat noun
on the point of crying

ścisk w gardlenoun

make one's bed and lie in it verb
to create a difficult situation and endure unpleasant consequences

nawarzyć piwaverb

make one's blood curdle

mrozić krew w żyłach

make one's mark verb

wyciskać piętnoverb

wycisnąć piętnoverb

make one's way


make someone's day verb
make someone happy

upiększać komuś dzieńverb

upiększyć komuś dzieńverb

make up one's mind verb
to decide, to reach a conclusion



millstone round one's neck millstone around one's neck

kamień u szyi

mind one's own business verb
to concern oneself only with what is of interest to oneself and not interfere in the affairs of others


nail one's colours to the mast verb
to clearly show one's support

obnosić się ze swoimi poglądamiverb

not have a cent to one's name

być bez grosza przy duszy

not know one's limit

nie znać umiaru

not let someone out of one's sight

nie spuszczać z oczu

not one's first rodeo not the first time one has been in a situation

być dla kogoś nie pierwszy raz

być dla kogoś nie pierwszyzna

nourish a viper in one's bosom verb
to do kind deeds rewarded with harm

hodować żmiję na własnym łonieverb

of one's choice that one has chosen, or wishes to choose


of one's own accord without being commanded or controlled

na własne życzenie

z dobrej i nieprzymuszonej woli

of one's word that keeps promises and tells the truth

dotrzymać słowa


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