Angličtina-Polsčina slovník »

at it znamená v Polsčina

at it in the middle of a given activity


beat it


beat it verb
to go away


beat it verb
vulgar: to masturbate


don't sweat it Do not worry about it

nie bój żaby

for what it's worth considering what limited worth this advice may have

żeby nie było

have one's cake and eat it too verb
to have two things which are mutually incompatible

albo rybka, albo pipkaverb

albo rybki, albo akwariumverb

zjeść ciastko i mieć ciastkoverb

it is what it is this thing has its own nature

jest jak jest

the pitcher goes so often to the well, that it is broken at last

dopóty dzban wodę nosi, dopóki mu się ucho nie urwie

the pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last When you use a thing too much, it ultimately breaks

póty dzban wodę nosi, póki się ucho nie urwie

while one is at it

przy okazji

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