Angličtina-Polsčina slovník »

a day znamená v Polsčina

a day


a day late and a dollar short adverb
adverbial use of the adjectival form

rychło w czasadverb

a stopped clock is right twice a day something or someone unreliable is right sometimes, even by accident

trafiło się ślepej kurze ziarno

all in a day's work adjective
a nonchalant dismissal of a significant accomplishment.

dzień jak co dzieńadjective

an apple a day noun
healthy eating and living

jesteś tym, co jesznoun

an apple a day keeps the doctor away apples are healthy and stave off illnesses

jabłko dziennie trzyma lekarza z dala

call it a day verb
to retire


give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime more worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them

dając człowiekowi rybę - karmisz go na jeden dzień; dając człowiekowi wędkę - karmisz go na całe życie.

Rome wasn't built in a day it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive

nie od razu Kraków zbudowano

nie od razu Rzym zbudowano