Angličtina-Polsčina slovník »

-st znamená v Polsčina

-st first




-sterone steroid hormone


-teen to form numbers 13 - 19


-th used to form the ordinal numeral









-time suffix used to indicate how many times something has occurred


-tion producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb




-tomy cutting, incision, section












a drowning man will clutch at a straw

tonący brzytwy się chwyta

a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

podróż tysiąca mil zaczyna się od jednego kroku

a likely story


a man sturdy as an oak

chłop jak dąb

a stitch in time saves nine a timely effort can prevent larger problems

lepiej zapobiegać niż leczyć

a stopped clock is right twice a day something or someone unreliable is right sometimes, even by accident

trafiło się ślepej kurze ziarno

Abdim's Stork

bocian białobrzuchy

abrasive stone

kamień szlifierski

Adriatic sturgeon

jesiotr adriatycki

air strike noun
attack by aircraft

atak powietrznynoun

Alpine strawberry

poziomka pospolita

American Staffordshire terrier

amerykański Staffordshire terrier

American structuralism


American studies noun
an interdisciplinary field dealing with the study of the Americas, with a historical emphasis upon the United States


anabolic steroid noun
class of steroid




another story noun
a different situation entirely

inna bajkanoun

anti-story noun
unconventional work of fiction


Arab study


as it stands in the current state or circumstances

w obecnej formie

Asian Openbill Stork

kleszczak azjatycki

asset stripping noun

obdarcie z aktywównoun


História vyhľadávania