Angličtina-Polsčina slovník »

-an znamená v Polsčina

breeding animal

zwierzę hodowlane

brick and mortar adjective
buildings and property for the conduct of a business


bride and groom

państwo młodzi

bright and early adverb

białym świtemadverb

bladym świtemadverb

business analyst noun
person who analyzes the operations

analityk biznesowynoun

by and large adverb
mostly, generally; with few exceptions

ogólnie rzecz biorącadverb

w większościadverb

by any chance possibly; perhaps


call an ambulance request to call an ambulance

proszę wezwać karetkę

zadzwoń po ambulans

zadzwoń po karetkę

camber angle noun

kąt pochylenia kołanoun

carrot and stick noun
simultaneous rewards for good behavior and punishments for bad behavior

kij i marchewkanoun

Castelnau's antshrike noun
passerine bird of the antbird family

chronka smolistanoun

Castile and León noun
autonomous community of Spain

Kastylia i Leónnoun

cat and dog life noun
unhappy married life

życie jak pies z kotemnoun

cat and mouse noun
two keeping check on one another

bawić się w kotka i myszkęnoun

Central and Eastern Europe

Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia

central angle

kąt środkowy

chalk and cheese noun
things that are very different

powierzchownie podobnynoun

change a fly into an elephant

robić z igły widły

Chapman's antshrike noun

chronka jasnobrzuchanoun

checks and balances noun
system for balancing the powers between branches of government

mechanizm kontroli i równowaginoun

chestnut-backed antshrike noun
Thamnophilus palliatus

chronka rdzawogrzbietanoun

children should be seen and not heard children should be quiet

dzieci i ryby głosu nie mają

Chinese star anise

anyż gwiazdkowy

City of Angels noun

Miasto Aniołównoun

classical antiquity noun
the Greco-Roman period of history


clean and jerk noun
in weightlifting


Cocha antshrike noun
passerine bird of the antbird family

chronka ekwadorskanoun

cock-and-bull story noun
far-fetched and fanciful story or tale of highly dubious validity

bajka o żelaznym wilkunoun

collared antshrike noun
passerine bird

mrowiec luskolicynoun

combine heat and power plant



fiołek trójbarwny

come to an agreement

porozumiewać się

come to an end verb
to cease


come to an understanding

porozumiewać się

common red ant

wścieklica zwyczajna

complementary angles noun
pair of angles

kąty dopełniającenoun


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