Angličtina-Arabčina slovník »

northern mariana islands znamená v Arabčina

northern facing, situated in or related to the north


Northern Hemisphere hemisphere to the north of its equator

نِصْف اَلْكُرَة الْأَرْضِيَّة الشَّمَالِيّm

Northern Territory Territory in northern Australia

مُقَاطَعَة شَمَالِيَّةf

northern goshawk ''Accipiter gentilis''

باز شمالي

northern lights the aurora of the northern hemisphere

شفق قطبي

northern pintail ''Anas acuta''

بلبول شمالي

Northern Europe sociopolitical region of Europe

أُورُوبَا الشَّمَالِيَّةf

Northern Ireland id=Q26|a country in the United Kingdom, situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland

أِيرْلَنْدَا الشَّمَالِيَّةf

Northern Cyprus de facto state comprising the northeastern part of the island of Cyprus

قُبْرُص الشَّمَالِيَّةf

Marshall Islands id=Q709|Republic of the Marshall Islands

جُزُر مَارْشَالf-p

Pitcairn Islands British territory

جُزُر بِيتْكِيرْنf-p

Canary Islands an archipelago off the coast of north-western Africa

الجُزُرُ الخَالِدَاتf-p

جُزُر اَلْكَنَارِيf-p

جُزُر اَلْكَنَارِيَّةf-p

Aleutian Islands archipelago

جُزُر أَلُوشْيَانf-p

Cook Islands self-governing country in Oceania

جُزُر كُوكf-p

Balearic Islands group of Mediterranean islands

جُزُر اَلْبَلِيَارf-p

Virgin Islands archipelago

اَلْجُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاءf-p

جُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاءf-p

Kuril Islands archipelago between Japan and Kamchatka

جُزُر اَلْكُورِيلp

Solomon Islands id=Q685|a country in Melanesia

جُزُر سُلَيْمَانf-p

British Virgin Islands British overseas territory

اَلْجُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاء اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّةf-p

جُزُر اَلْعَذْرَاء اَلْبِرِيطَانِيَّةf-p

Turks and Caicos Islands a British overseas territory in the Caribbean

جُزُر تَرْكْس وَكَايْكُوسf-p

United States Virgin Islands a US overseas territory in the Caribbean

جزر العذراء الأمريكية

جزر العذراء التابعة الولايات المتحدةf-p

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland id=Q145|United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

الْمَمْلَكَة الْمُتَّحِدَة لِبِرِيطَانِيَا الْعُظْمَى وَأَيِرْلَنْدَا الشَّمَالِيَّة

História vyhľadávania