Angličtina-Arabčina slovník »

lobe znamená v Arabčina

ear lobe a part of the ear

شَحْمَة اَلْأُذْنf

frontal lobe division of cerebrum

فص جبهي

globe model of Earth

كُرَة أَرْضِيَّةf

globe thistle any of the flowering plants in the genus ''Echinops'', with spiny foliage and blue or white spherical flower heads

شَوْك الْجَمَلm

شَوْك الْصَحْرَاءm

occipital lobe division of cerebrum

فص قذالي

parietal lobe division of cerebrum

فص جداري

temporal lobe division of cerebrum

فص صدغي

História vyhľadávania