العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

وَا meaning in بالإنجليزية

تَوَازُن m

equilibriumcondition of a system in which competing influences are balanced


dovetailto combine or fit (things) together well

تَوَاضُع m

humilitycharacteristic of being humble

modestythe quality of being modest

تَوَاطُؤ m



flockto congregate


dovetailto combine or fit (things) together well

تَوَافُق m

agreementunderstanding to follow a course of conduct

consensusgeneral agreement

harmonyagreement or accord

تَوَافُق صَوْتِيّ

vowel harmonyphonological process


consociationalismpolitical consociation


tarryto delay or be tardy

تَيْوَان f

TaiwanEast Asian country

تِطْوَان f


تِلِفِزْيُون اَلْوَاقِع m

reality televisiontelevision genre

تِمْسَاح اِسْتِوَائِيّ m

alligatorlarge amphibious reptile of genus ''Alligator''

تِيخْوَانَا f

Tijuanacity in Baja California, Mexico

تْرَامْوَاي m

trampassenger vehicle

تْشْيُوَانْتْشُو m

Quanzhoua city of China

تْشْيُوَانْجُو m

Quanzhoua city of China

تْوَالِيتّ m

toiletroom used for urination and defecation|bathroom|men's room|ladies' room|outhouse|portable toilet|latrine|shitter

ثَوَاب m

rewardsomething of value given in return for an act

ثِقْل مُوَازِن m

counterbalanceforce or influence balancing an opposite one

counterbalanceweight balancing an opposite one

جَدْوَار m

zedoary''Curcuma zedoaria''

جَدْوَل مَوَاعِيد m

schedulea procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur

timetablea structured schedule of events

جَعَلَ غَيْر وَاضِح

blurmake indistinct or hazy, to obscure or dim

جَوَاب m


replywritten or spoken response

جَوَابُ الشَّرْط m

apodosisthe consequential clause in a conditional sentence

جَوَاد m

stallionuncastrated male horse

جَوَارِب m-p

sockcovering for the foot

stockinggarment (for translations of "sock", see [[sock]])

جَوَاز m

passdocument granting permission to pass or to go and come

passpermission or license to pass, or to go and come

جَوَاز سَفَر m

passportofficial document for foreign travel

جَوَاهِرِيَّة f

jewelera person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry

جَوَاهِرِيّ m

jewelera person whose job is making, repairing or selling jewelry