العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

وع meaning in بالإنجليزية

مَطْبُوعَات f-p

pressprinted media


forbiddennot allowed

مَمْنُوع مِنَ الصَّرْف m

diptotea noun which has only two cases

مَوْسُوعَة f

encyclopediacomprehensive with on a range of topics


encyclopedicin lexicography

encyclopedicof or relating to comprehensiveness and other characteristics of an encyclopedia

encyclopedistperson helping to write an encyclopedia



مَوْضُوع m

subjectmain topic

themesubject of a talk or an artistic piece

thread(Internet) a series of messages

topicsubject; theme


objectivebased on observed fact

مِنْطَقَةُ مَنْزُوعَةُ السَلَاح

demilitarized zonearea


kindtype, race, category

نِهَايَة الْأُسْبُوع f

weekendbreak in the working week

وادِي دُمُوعٍ m

vale of tearsthe world as the place where difficulties and the sorrows of life are felt

وُقُوع m

fallact of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point

يَرْبُوع m

gerbilsmall rodent

jerboasmall rodent

يَسُوع الْمَسِيح m

Jesus ChristJesus of Nazareth

يَسُوعِيَّة f

Jesuitmember of the Society of Jesus

يَسُوعِيّ m

Jesuitmember of the Society of Jesus

يَشُوع m

Joshuabook of the Bible

Joshuamale given name

يَنْبُوع m

springwater springing from the ground

⁧مَجْمُوعَة إِثْنِيَّة f

ethnicityan ethnic group


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