العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

ن meaning in بالإنجليزية

نَتِيجَة f


resultthat which results


nitrogenousof nitrogen


scatterto cause to separate

نَثْر m

prosewritten language not intended as poetry

نَثْرَة f

philtrumshallow vertical groove


survivelive past a life-threatening event

surviveobject, concept: continue to exist

surviveperson: continue to live

نَجَاح m

successachievement of one's aim or goal

نَجَاشِيّ m

negusking of Abyssinia (Ethiopia)


succeedTo obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or termination; to be successful


implementbring about

نَجَفَة f

chandelierbranched, often ornate, lighting fixture suspended from the ceiling

نَجَفِيَّة f

Najafia person from, or an inhabitant of, Najaf


Najafiof or pertaining to Najaf

نَجَفِيّ m

Najafia person from, or an inhabitant of, Najaf

نَجَّار m

carpenterone who practices carpentry

joinermaker of wooden furniture


rescueto save from any danger or violence

saveto help someone to survive, or rescue someone

نَجْد m

massifprincipal mountain mass

نَجْدِيّ m

highlanderinhabitant of highlands

نَجْم m

celebrityfamous person

نَجْم الشَمَال

Polarisα Ursae Minoris|North Star

نَجْم زَائِف m

quasarAn extragalactic object

نَجْم قَزَم m

dwarf starstar that is a located in the main sequence

نَجْم نْيُوتْرُونِيّ

neutron starstar composed of neutrons

نَجْمَة f

celebrityfamous person

startbeginning of an activity

startbeginning point of a race

نَجْمَة الصَّبَاح f

morning starplanet Venus as seen around dawn

نَجْمَة الْمَسَاء f

evening starplanet Venus seen in the evening

نَجْمَة دَاوُود f

Star of Davidsymbol of Jewish identity and Judaism

نَجْمَة سِينِمَائِيَّة f

movie starstar of the cinema

نَجْمَةُ اَلْبَحْرِ f

starfishvarious echinoderms

نَجْمِيَّة f

astralrelating to or resembling the stars


stellarof, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars

نَجْمِيّ m

astralrelating to or resembling the stars

نَجْمِيّ الْمَرْكَز



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