العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

نِظَام meaning in بالإنجليزية

نِظَام m

constitutionformal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions

disciplinecategory in which a certain activity belongs

orderarrangement, disposition

regimeform of government

regimemode of rule or management

systemgroup or set of related things that operate together as a complex whole

نِظَام إِدَارَة مُحْتَوَى اَلْمُحْتَوَى

content management system

نِظَام اَلتَّمَوْضُع اَلْعَالَمِيّ m

global positioning systemsystem determining precise location based on signals received from satellites

نِظَام تَشْغِيل m

operating systemsoftware which controls the computer

نِظَام شَمْسِيّ m

Solar Systemid=Q544|the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it

نِظَام عَالَمِيّ m

world orderstructure that manages the world's stability

نِظَام غِذَائِيّ m

dietcontrolled regimen of food

نِظَام نَجْمِيّ m

star systemgroup of stars that orbit one another

نِظَامُ إِحْدَاثِيَّاتٍ m

coordinate systemmethod of representing points in a space


statutoryrelating to a statute

systemicrelating to a system

اِنْهِيَار نِظَام m

crashcomputer malfunction

تَغْيِير اَلْنِظَام

regime changeoverthrow of a government

غَيْر نِظَامِيّ

stronggrammar: irregular

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