العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

له meaning in بالإنجليزية


accentorbird of the ''Prunella'' genus

لهجة اجتماعية

sociolectvariant of language used by a social group

لهجة موصلية

North Mesopotamian Arabic

أَبُو الهَوْل m

sphinxmythology: creature with the head of a person and the body of an animal

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ m


أُمُّ اللهِ

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary

إصابة دقيقة للهدف f

bullseyecentre of a target

إِنْ شَاءَ الله

God willingGod willing

الجُمْهُورِيَّة الهِيلِينِيَّة f

Hellenic Republicid=Q41|official name of Greece

القَصَبَة الهَوَائِيَّة

bronchusEither or two branches of the trachea

اللغة الهاوائية f

HawaiianHawaiian language

الله m

Godsingle deity of monotheism|god|deity

اللهجة الخليجية f

Gulf Arabicvariety of the Arabic language

الهلال الخصيب m

Fertile Crescentcrescent-shaped arc of fertile land

الهندسة المدنية

civil engineeringtechnical design and construction of public works and/or equivalent private ones

الهَاوِيَة f

Gehennawhere the wicked go

ام الاله f

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary

TheotokosMary, mother of Jesus, as God-bearer|Mary|Mother of God

باسم الله

in God's nameintensifier

حمل الله

Lamb of GodJesus, symbolized as a sacrifice

سلطنة دلهي

Delhi Sultanateempire

سلطنة مغول الهند

Mughal Empireempire

سُبْحَانَ الله


عُسْر الهَضَم

indigestioncondition caused by eating too quickly

غزوة الهند

Ghazwa-e-Hinda prophesied war against India

غويانا الهولندية f

Dutch Guianacolonial name of Suriname

غيانا الهولندية f

Dutch Guianacolonial name of Suriname

كلمة الله

Logos(Christianity) the word of God as incarnate

WordCreative word of God

كَلِمَةُ اللهِ f

wordthe word of God

متعدد الآلهة

polytheisticof or relating to polytheism

متلازمة الهزال

cachexiasystemic wasting of muscle tissue that accompanies a chronic disease

مفعول لأجله m

dativegrammar: noting the case of noun which expresses indirect object

موسيقى الهاوس f

house musictype of electronic dance music with an uptempo beat and recurring kickdrum

مِنْطَقَة الهُبَوط

relegation zonebottom part of a sports table



والدة الإله f

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary

TheotokosMary, mother of Jesus, as God-bearer|Mary|Mother of God

والِدةُ اللهِ

Mother of GodMary, mother of Jesus, as the mother of God or God-bearer|Mary|Theotokos|Our Lady|Queen of Heaven|Virgin Mary