العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

فَان meaning in بالإنجليزية

فَان غُوخ

Van Goghvan Gogh

فَانُوس m

lanterncase of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light

فَانُوَاتُو f

Vanuatuid=Q686|Republic of Vanuatu

فَانْتَازِيَا f

fantasiatraditional festival of the inhabitants of the Maghreb

فَانْكُوفَر m



Stephenbiblical martyr

إِسْفَانَاخ m

spinacha particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea

إِصْتِفَان m

Stephenmale given name

إِيفَان m

Ivanmale given name

إِيفَانُوفُو m

Ivanovocity in Russia

اَلنِّرْفَانَا f

nirvanaBuddhism: cessation of suffering

nirvanastate of bliss

اِسْتِفَانُوس m

Stephenbiblical martyr

بِنْسِيلْفَانِيَا f

PennsylvaniaUS state

تَعْرِفَانِ مَن

you-know-whoknown and unmentioned person

تْرَانْسِيلْفَانِيَا f


دِيفَانَاجَارِي m

Devanagariabugida alphabet of India and Nepal

Devanagariabugida alphabet of India and Nepal

دِيفَانَاغَارِي m

Devanagariabugida alphabet of India and Nepal

Devanagariabugida alphabet of India and Nepal

رِدْفَان m-d

buttockeach of the two large fleshy halves of the posterior part of the body

سَافَانَا f

savannatropical grassland with scattered trees

سِيلُوفَان m

cellophanethe transparent plastic film

شُوفَان m

oata widely cultivated cereal grass

طُوفَان m

delugegreat flood

floodoverflow of water

stormdisturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather

typhoonhurricane in the Pacific

عِرْفَانِيَّة f



Gnosticrelating to Gnosticism

عِرْفَانِيّ m

Gnostica believer in Gnosticism

فِينْسِنْت فَان غُوخ

Van Goghvan Gogh

مُزِيلُ رَجَفَان m


نَاخِيتْشِيفَان m

Nakhichevanautonomous republic of Azerbaijan

هَافَانَا f

Havanacapital city of Cuba

يِرِيفَان f

Yerevanthe capital and largest city of Armenia

Your history