العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

ع meaning in بالإنجليزية

علم البرديات m

papyrologythe study of ancient texts written on papyrus

علم التأويل

hermeneuticsart and science of text interpretation

علم الجريمَة m

criminologythe study of crime and criminals, especially their behaviour

علم الجليد

glaciologystudy of ice and its effect on the landscape

علم المساحة

geometrybranch of mathematics

علم المعلومات m

information sciencescience

علم الموسيقى m

musicologystudy of music

علم الوثائق

diplomaticsscience of authenticating, dating, and interpreting old official documents

علم الوراثة الجزيئي

molecular geneticsa field of biology

علم تحديد أعمار الأشجار

dendrochronologyscience of counting tree rings

علم رسم الأيقونات

iconographyset of symbolic forms

علوم الحياة

biosciencesciences dealing with living organisms


abovein preference to

على أي حال

in any caseat any rate

على سبيل المثال

e.g.initialism used to introduce an illustrative example or short list of examples

على كل حال

anywayused to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement


causalityagency of cause

عمالة الأطفال

child labourwork performed by children

عمل قسري

forced laborwork which one is compelled to perform


pillarlarge post, often used as supporting architecture

عمى الألوان m

color blindnesscondition in which the ability to see colors is impaired


fastof sleep: deep or sound

عن حسن نيَة

bona fidedone in good faith


coercionactual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person

عنف الشرطة

police brutalityuse of excessive force by a police officer

عنفة بخارية

steam turbinesystem through which steam is passed

عنفة غازية

gas turbinegas turbine

عنفة مائية

water turbinedevice


soul patchnarrow beard

عيش بلدى m

pitabread pouch used for making sandwiches

عين حارّة

evil eyewicked look conveying dislike or envy believed to be able to cause bad luck or injury; the ability to cause bad luck or injury through such a look


El AaiúnEl Aaiún, Western Sahara

عَائِد⁩ m

anaphorexpression referring to other

عَائِشَة f

Aishafemale given name

عَائِق m

impedimenthindrance; that which impedes progress


obstaclesomething that impedes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress

عَائِق جَبَلِيّ m

stavesacreperennial plant

عَائِلَة f

familygroup of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom

familyimmediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children