العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

زِي meaning in بالإنجليزية

بُولِينِيزِيَا الْفَرَنْسِيَّة f

French PolynesiaOverseas territory of France

بِالتَّوَازِي مَعَ

alongin a line with, with a progressive motion on; onward on; forward on

بِنْغَازِي m

BenghaziBenghazi, Libya

بْرَازِيلِيَا f

Brasíliathe capital of Brazil

تَجْزِيع m

grainlinear texture of material or surface

تَدْفِئَة مَرْكَزِيَّة f

central heatingheating system

تَرْزِي m

tailorperson who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession

تَرْزِيَّة f

tailorperson who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession

تَرْنِيمَة جَنَائِزِيَّة f

dirgemournful poem or piece of music

تَعْزِيَّة f

condolencesympathy when someone has died|condolences

تَنْزِيل m

downloadfile transfer to the local computer

revelationmanifestation of divine truth


distributionstatistics: set of relative likelihoods|probability distribution

تَوْزِيع m

deliveryact of conveying something

distributionact of distribution or being distributed


tzitzitknots on a tallit

ثَوْر بْرُونْزِيّ m

brazen bullancient torture device consisting of a hollow brass bull where victims were imprisoned and burned to death

جَاكُوزِي m

jacuzzihot tub or whirlpool bath with underwater jets that massage the body

جَزِيرَة f

islandarea of land completely surrounded by water

جَزِيرَة أَسِنْسِيُون f

Ascension Islandan island in the South Atlantic

جَزِيرَة الكْرِيسْمَاس f

Christmas Islandnon self-governing territory of Australia

جَزِيرَة الْفِصْح

Easter IslandIsland in the Pacific

جَزِيرَة عِيد اَلْفِصْح f

Easter IslandIsland in the Pacific

جَزِيرَة مَانْ

Isle of Manisland

جَزِيرَة نُورْفُولْك

Norfolk Islandexternal territory of Australia

جَزِيرَةُ الثُّعْبَان f

Snake IslandBlack Sea island of Ukraine bordering Romania

جَوْز الْبَرَازِيل m

brazil nutnut

brazil nuttree

جِعِزِيَّة f

Ge'ezEthiopian language

جِعِزِيّ m

Ge'ezEthiopian language



حَبّ الْعَزِيز m

chufaCyperus esculentus

حَزِيرَان m

Junesixth month of the Gregorian calendar



dejectedsad and dispirited

despondentin low spirits from loss of hope or courage

sadfeeling sorrow

sorrygrieved, saddened

حِكَايَة رَمْزِيَّة f

fairy talefolktale

خَاصِّيَّة أُسْمُوزِيَّة f

osmosismovement of molecules


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