العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

دَبَّ meaning in بالإنجليزية


crawlto move along the ground

دَبَّابَة f

tankarmoured fighting vehicle

دَبَّاسَة f

staplerdevice which binds together paper


tannerperson whose occupation is to tan

زَوَاج مُدَبَّر m

arranged marriagemarriage planned by someone else

كُلّ مَن هَبَّ وَدَبَّ

Tom, Dick and Harryanybody or everybody; random or unknown people

مُدَبَّب m

pointypointed in shape

مُدَبَّر m

aforethoughtpremeditated; planned ahead of time

مُدَبَّرَة الْمَنْزَل f

housekeepersomeone who manages the home, traditionally female head of household

نَعْنَاع مُدَبَّب m

spearmint''Mentha spicata''