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جُود meaning in بالإنجليزية

جُود m

generositytrait of being willing to donate

جُودُو m

judoJapanese martial art

جُودِيكَّا f

Giudeccalong island in the Venetian Lagoon

سَبَب الْوُجُود m

raison d'êtrereason for being

عَدَم وُجُود m

lackdeficiency, need

عَدَم وُجُود قَوَانِين m

lawlessnesslack of law and order


existentexisting; having life or being, current; occurring now

existingthat exists

presentin the immediate vicinity

مَوْجُود m

organismliving thing

وَحْدَة اَلْوُجُود f

pantheismbelief that the universe is divine

وُجُود m

existencestate of being, existing, or occurring

وُجُودِيَّة f

existentialismphilosophical movement


existentialof, or relating to existence

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