العربية-إنجليزي قاموس »

جن meaning in بالإنجليزية


megalithlarge stone slab making up a prehistoric monument, or part of such a monument

جندول m

gondolanarrow boat, especially in Venice


jingoisticoverly patriotic or nationalistic

جنق قلعة


جنوب سردينيا

South Sardiniaprovince

جنوب سردينية f

South Sardiniaprovince

جنون العظمَة

delusion of grandeurFalse belief that one is important or powerful


genizahdepository where sacred Hebrew books, etc., are kept before being buried in a cemetery

جنيَة سمراء صغيرَة

browniesmall rich cake

جنيَه إِسْتِرْلِينِيّ m

sterlingthe currency of the United Kingdom; especially the pound

أستراليا الجنوبية f

South Australiastate of Australia

اعتداء جنسي

sexual assaultsexual assault

الاستعباد الجنسي

sexual slaverycriminal activity

جمهورية الأرجنتين

Argentine Republicid=Q414|official name of Argentina

جمهورية جنوب السودان

Republic of South Sudanofficial name of South Sudan

داخل جنسي



Tao Te ChingChinese classic text

رهاب التحول الجندري m

transphobiafear or hatred of transgender and transsexual people and/or of transness

شينجن m

Schengencity in Luxembourg

عامل بالجنس m

sex workerperson who supplies sexual services for money

عاملة بالجنس f

sex workerperson who supplies sexual services for money

فوبيا التحول الجندري f

transphobiafear or hatred of transgender and transsexual people and/or of transness

فولكس واجن

Volkswagena car manufacturer

فولكس واجن m

Volkswagena car manufacturer or a car manufactured by Volkswagen

متوافق الجنس

cisgenderhaving a gender the same as one's assigned sex at birth

مثلي الجنس m

faghomosexual man


possessedcontrolled by evil spirits

محكمة الجنائية الدولية

International Criminal Courtcourt that prosecutes international crimes

منجنيق m


ناقلَة جنود مدرعَة f

armored personnel carrierarmored vehicle for carrying infantry soldiers in combat

نداء جنوب أفريقيا

The Call of South Africaa former national anthem of South Africa

هولندا الجنوبية f

South Hollandprovince

يوجنو-ساخالينسك m

Yuzhno-Sakhalinskcity in Russia