إنجليزي-العربية قاموس »

water-repellent meaning in العربية

water to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants)


water to provide (animals) with water



water cooler dispenser of cooled drinking water


water pipe tobacco smoking device



water beetle insect

خنفساء الماء

water tower tank of water

خَزَّانُ مَاءm

water pollution contamination of water

تَلَوُّث اَلْمَاءm

water turbine device

عنفة مائية

water slide a recreational slide with water flowing down it

زلاجة مائيةf

water cannon device shooting water

مِدْفَع مَاءm

water parsnip ''Sium'' gen. et spp.


water clock device for measuring time

سَاعَةٌ مَائِيَّةf

tap water water from a tap

مَاء الحَنَفِيَّةm

coconut water clear liquid found inside immature coconuts

ماء جَوْز الْهِنْدm

مَاء النَارَجِيلm

carbonated water water containing carbon dioxide

مَاء اَلصُّودَاm

مِيَّاه غَازِيَّةf

tonic water carbonated beverage

مَاء التُونِكm

mineral water water containing dissolved minerals

مَاء مَعْدِنِيّm

bottled water drinking water sold in a bottle

مِيَاه مُعَبَّأَةf

soda water water with carbon dioxide

مَاء الصُّودَاm

holy water water, sanctified

مَاء مُقَدَّسm

fresh water water with little salt

مَاءٌ عَذْبٌm

distilled water water that has been purified by distillation

ماء مقطر

drinking water water for humans

مَاء شُرْب

hot water bottle a flexible bottle for heat therapy

حَقِيبَة اَلـمَاء اَلـسَاخِن


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