إنجليزي-العربية قاموس »

sea level meaning in العربية

sea body of water



level degree or amount


level distance relative to a given reference elevation


level gaming: discrete segment of a game


sea urchin any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea

قُنْفُذ البَحْرm

sea buckthorn shrub of the genus ''Hippophae''

أَبُو قَايِسm

شَوْك الْقَصَّارm


sea holly ''Eryngium''



sea change profound transformation|metamorphosis

تغير البحر

sea anemone polyp

شَقِيقَة نُعْمَانِ اَلْبَحْرِf

sea lion member of the Otariidae family

أَسَد بَحْرm

كَلْب البَحْرm

sea cucumber sea cucumber

خيار البحر

sea onion ''Drimia maritima''


بَصَل الفَأْرm


sea horse fish

فَرَس بَحْرm

Arafura Sea sea between Arnhem Land and West Papua

بَحْر آرَافُورَاm

Yellow Sea Asian sea

الْبَحْر الْأَصْفَرm

Tyrrhenian Sea Part of the Mediterranean Sea

الْبَحْر الْتِيرَانِيّm

Java Sea a sea

بَحْر جَاوَةm

Caribbean Sea a tropical sea in the Western Hemisphere

الْبَحْر الْكَارِيبِيّm

Mediterranean Sea sea between Europe and Africa

البَحْرُ الأَبْيَضُ الْمُتَوَسِّطm

البَحْرُ المُتَوَسِّطm

بَحْرُ الرُّومm

بَحْرُ الشَّامm

Arabian Sea part of the Indian Ocean

بَحْر اَلْعَرَبm

Celtic Sea sea

الْبَحْر الْكِلْتِيّm

North Sea a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean between Britain, Scandinavia and Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France

بَحَر اَلشَّمَالm

Baltic Sea a sea

بَحْر الْبَلْطِيقm

Ionian Sea European sea

اَلْبَحْر اَلْأَيْوُنِيّm

Chukchi Sea part of the Arctic Ocean

بَحْر تْشُوكُشِيm

Laptev Sea part of the Arctic Ocean

بَحْر لابْتِيَفm

Tasman Sea part of the Pacific Ocean

بَحْر تَاسْمَنm

Red Sea sea between Africa and Arabia

البَحْرُ الأَحْمَرm

بَحْرُ القُلْزُمm

Andaman Sea part of the Indian Sea east of the Andaman Islands and west of Thailand

بَحْر أَنْدَامَانm

Aral Sea Aral Sea

بَحْر آرَالm

Adriatic Sea sea that stretches from the Ionian Sea to the Gulf of Venice

اَلْبَحْر اَلْأَدْرِيَاتِيّm

Levantine Sea eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea

البَحْر الشامِيm

بَحْر الشامm

Coral Sea part of the Pacific Ocean

بَحْر كُورَالm

Norwegian Sea part of the Atlantic

بَحْر اَلنُّرْوِيجm

Barents Sea part of the Arctic Ocean

بَحْر بَارَنْتْسm

Timor Sea sea between Timor and Australia

بَحْر تِيمُوْرm

Bering Sea sea

بَحْر بَرِينْغm

Black Sea an inland sea between southeastern Europe and Asia Minor

الْبَحْر الْأَسْوَدm


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